Taking a break
Leadership 101; a new era has begun!

A couple of weeks ago we embarked on a new program at FOkids that I am really excited about. It's simply called Leadership 101. The thought behind it was that I saw a trend with 5th graders. 1) I noticed that too many 5th graders were checking out of FOkids around the middle of their 5th grade year, that's a problem. 2) 5th graders have the most influence they have ever had and they have no clue what to do with it. Thus came Leadership 101: which is us simply teaching the basics of what it means to be a leader. All leadership teachings and principals come directly from the main man himself Jesus, the greatest leader to ever live. The format: we'll have 4-5 off site field trips for 5th graders only for us to have fun, connect with each other in unique settings, teach team building/leadership exercises, and end with a creative environmental leadership teaching from scripture. For example for our inaugural trip we went to a place called "Rebounderz". Rebounderz is an indoor trampoline warehouse. Their are trampolines on the floors and walls. Kids loved it. After that we did a variety of leadership exercises then I taught from Exodus 2:17, which says this, "So Moses jumped up and rescued the girls from the shepherds.” So right after jumping like monkeys for an hour we talked about how we need to be like Moses and jump up and rescues people. People all around us need to be rescued from loneliness, gossip, hate, etc. We taught the kids instead of being a coward, "Jump up and rescue people." Jump up and invite the lonely kid to sit with you. Jump up and defend your friend that people are gossiping about. Jump up and love someone needs to be love. At the end of the day the kids had a blast, connected with each other, and for most of them were taught leadership skills for the first time of their life. Great stuff and we couldn't have done it without the great leadership team that helped pull this off. Thanks Kevin Wendling, Stacey Simmons, and Suzi Barr. You guys ROCK!
Phenom Book!!!

Beach Baptism from 10/11
Several times a year we head over to the beach for Beach Baptisms. A couple of Sunday's ago we did this for the last time of the year. It was great. Check out the video. Dustin. FO peeps, you Rock! Let's keep advancing His Kingdom for His glory!
2009 Beach Baptism from Fellowship Orlando on Vimeo.
Riley's Big Adventure:
Longer behind the scenes version
Shorter, to the point version.
Riley's Big Adventure from Dustin Aagaard on Vimeo.
Callie Joy's Joy Ride
Callie Joy went right after Riley. Due to her inability to steer the race car correctly they improvised. They pick up the car put it on a 4 wheel dolley and had 3 teenagers push her around the track. Best part is she swears she was driving all by herself. She had no clue about the kids or about the fact that she 4 inches off the ground. Enjoy!
"The people God hates" via CNN.COM
This was on the front page of CNN.COM This is frustrating in so many ways. No wonder many people view God in a bad light. No wonder so many people are spiritually confused. Ugggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Disney Institute: Day 4, Quality Service

Disney Institute: Day 3, People Management

Today was another great day!
Diseny Institute: Day 2, Leadership Excellence

Disney Institute: Day I, Creativity

All this week I have the awesome honor of being able to participate in the Disney Institute for Business Success. Someone provided a scholarship for me to attend this in hopes I'd be able to learn how to use the same principals to further His Kingdom (not Mickey's, God's). So many people have already asked that I share some of the main points or thoughts. So God willing I'll be blogging every night what I learned that day. Today's topic was on "Creativity". Tuesday is "Leadership Excellence". Wednesday is "People Management". Thursday is "Quality Service". Friday is "Brand Loyalty". Hopefully I'll explain my thoughts clearly but if you have questions on anything just let me know. Now there is no way I'd be able to share everything I learn so what I'll do each day is share what I thought was particularly useful.
- Collaborative Culture: Disney is know for its consistency throughout all aspects of their entertainment. They explained that if they come out with a theme like "Pirates" then every department would come together and learn from one another on how to implement that theme throughout each department. So the "food and beverage" department has freedom and is expected to share thoughts to the "merchandise" department and this happens throughout each department including the "janitorial" department. My first thought was what if each ministry in churches collaborative together to openly support each other. Then I expanded that thought with the Kingdom in mind and thought, "what if churches collaborative together for His glory and didn't worry about their turf/crowds/etc." So the question was how can we help our organizations have a better "collaborative culture". My thought was you have to have at least one department set the trend. One department has to look after and serve another to bring everyone's insecurities down. For example last week Chad Harper our Student Pastor and Jack Thomas are Creative Arts guy both took most of their week and helped me transform one of my environments. It had nothing to do with their "department/ministry" yet they served me with their ideas, hands, and time. Them leading like that totally makes me want do the same back to them or other ministries. Also Disney nominates one person on staff to give a couple hours a week to head up this idea to bring "accountability" to ensure collaborating gets done.
2. Brainstorming Exercise: They did one exercise I thought was great. They had a problem; lets say it's "How can we make people feel welcomed at church". They then took a sheet a paper and posted 9 sticky notes on it. At the top they wrote the problem, "How can we make people feel welcomed at church." The directions were to get in a circle around a table. Pass the paper around and write one way to solve that problem per sticky note. Don't think about the details just dream about potential solutions. Try not to read the others, just post your thought and pass it on. Imagine 10 people in a group with 4 problems being tossed around in a circle. In a matter of minutes we had 50 plus potential solutions and were able to hear from 10 people; very effective.
3. Brainstorming, "Yes if or Yes and": Disney made it clear one of the main ways they come up with their "magic" was by a very strategic way of brainstorming. Some rules to their brainstorming are: 1) Bring diverse people to the table. Bring different departments, ages, etc. 2) When brainstorming do not analyze ideas yet. Accept all ideas at the beginning, analyze later. Disney's rule is "Yes if... or yes and..." Meaning if someone throws out an idea you can not say you like it or don't like it you must say "yes we can do that if..." or "yes we can do that and..." For example lets say to solve our previous welcoming problem example we wanted to hire Miley Cyrus to sing in the lobby every week to welcome people, someone would then say, "yes we can do that if we kidnapped Miley or had a billion dollars to pay her."Hope this helps and again God willing I'll be sharing some thoughts every evening.
Jeremiah: Simply Obedient

My wife is Hiliarious!
Over the weekend my brother Derek and his wife Tiffany came to my sons soccer game on his scotter, Frank the Tank. After the game with hundreds of people pulling in and pulling out my wife decides she wants to take Frank for a little spin. She didn't bother to ask my brother one question before zooming off. And becuase of that she made my week and reminded me why I love her so much! Check out my smooth wife, very funny! Once she starts going turn the volume up a bit to get the full effect.
Pretty funny huh? It's ok to laugh no one got hurt, she laughed, and Derek got Frank running again after a while. TJ thank you for a great laugh, you ROCK! Keep em coming. Be sure to leave a comment for TJ, she'd love to hear from you regarding her latest adventure.
The best CD I've ever heard!

Matt Chandler on Personal walk with Jesus
Matt is an amazing Pastor in Texas. Check him out at http://www.thevillagechurch.net/
Rosa Loves, Brilliant!!!

Great Weekend
This past weekend was a great weekend in so many ways. Here's my Top Five reasons why this weekend rocked (in random order).
- The service times seemed to be a huge success. I met lots of new people that were excited to connect with God.
- We launched Elevate Jr. for the preschool ministry. The kids & families loved it. The next months are all about Spy Chase. Thanks Elevate Jr. team for the great resource.
- We launched Hillsong's BIG for our Elementary aged kids. Again families & kids loved it but the leaders seemed to love it the most as it made ministry simple for them. Thanks Hillsong Team for all your hard work, vision, and sacrifice to reach kids all around the globe.
- Fellowship Orlando adult service kicked off a new series called "reThink Life". The idea & passion behind the series challenges us to reThink & reprioritize how we live day to day. How we make decisions. How spend our time. How we relate to people, etc. Are senior pastor, Rodney, did a great job. The message was powerful! I'm thankful for Rodney as well as our entire staff @ FO. I feel blessed and humbled to work with them all.
- Our leadership teams rocked it. I was very impressed with the heart and mentally the FOkids leadership showed to step it up once again. Thanks teams! I've been planning, preparing, and equipping are leaders to run the ministry without me for about a year now. This weekend was officially the first weekend they took the ball and ran with it. As a matter of fact they didn't even need me. They could do it all with their eyes closed. Yesterday was a year long dream come true. Thanks leadership, well done!
Riley's Birthday

- They will be 100% relational: We are encouraging our people to do a small group with people they are already doing life with, people they love, and would look forward to hanging out with.
- They will be message based: This is such a good example of how we (myself very included) as American Christians miss out on God. Instead of stuffing our faces again with more scripture, bible stories, and messages the small groups will be based on the sermon notes we heard the previous weekend. Our goal is hear to raise families to be doers of the Word not just hearers. We believe our community doesn't need another bible study as much as it needs a group of people to wrestle with the current realities God is already trying to teach them. This gets me so excited. Can you imagine 5,10, 50, 100, or 1000 small groups meeting not to learn about Gods Word but to apply it. If any Church does this half way well they can easily be the most inspiring church on the planet.
- They will meet 3 times a year for 10 weeks at a time: When looking at the calendar we see 3 natural season that are good for small group ministry. The fall, the winter, and the spring. Now obviously if the group is doing it right then their time together will carry over after their 10 weeks is up. For example if you end a fall 10 week session at the end of November then I'm sure due to the relational connection that the families would have Christmas parties together or serve the homeless together or shop together, simply live life together.
Well I hate reading long blog post and yet I just created one, so I'll be done. Bottom line on all this is that God is doing some great things in our community and we just want to roll out any barriers that might slow down the momentum of His Spirit moving.
Francis Chan's new book
Ahhhh yeahhhh!!! Francis Chan's new book is out. Check out this video as Francis gives us a glimpse of the book. Can't wait to read it!
Weekend Recap

Remember What Would Jesus Do!
Understand what the Bible says!
Never stop asking God for help!
Need Prayer?

The 4 "R's" Day IV
The 4 "R's" Day III
The 4 "R's" Day II
The 4 "R's" to a winning school year.


How does this happen? Earlier in the week TJ went to brush her teeth in the morning when she discovered a huge FROG was just chillin in our toothbrush cup holder. TJ freaked out of course not expecting to see a frog. I wasn't home so she took the frog outside and thought that would be the end of it all. Well about several hours ago Callie Joy (my 4 yr old daughter) woke up to go to the bathroom and she completely freaked out and starting crying hysterically. As I rushed in to see what was the matter I see Callie Joy pointing at the sink. Sure enough there was another frog. After calming her down she explained that as she went to "potty" the frog just jumped out at her from inside the toilet. It was so hard to comfort my daughter without cracking up. How do two frogs invade two different bathrooms in two different days? I'm 100% clueless. I guess they are coming in from the toilets, is that even possible. All I know is if I don't find a solution quick TJ is going to check in at the local resort. If anyone has a clue let us know. Seriously let me know, thanks!
Interview with Francis Chan on book Crazy Love
One of the best books I've read by one the greatest pastors I respect. Good stuff!
Sharing my heart with my community
Classic Vacations Part 2 from Fellowship Orlando on Vimeo.
Resently Pastor Rodney was asked to speak at Fellowship Church ( http://www.fellowshipchurch.com/index.php ) in place of Ed Young, (I'll be posting his message later this week). While he was out I was aksed to share my heart during our 3 weekend worship services. For those that asked or care here is a video of the message or you can follow this link to the audio version via our podcast. http://fellowshiporlando.com//sermons.asp Thanks for your prayers. Praying we continue to give up everything to the one who already gave up everything.
Louie Giglio on song "God of this City" formed in a brothel.
Above: Louie Giglio @ http://www.268generation.com talks about how the song "God of this City" was written in a Brothel in Thailand.
Below: Listen to Chris Tomlin cover the song "God of this City".
Backyard Missions?
Camp Bahamas: Pray 4 ballers
Research Results...
Fact #1: FMD is in fact very Funny.
Fact #2: FMD is a male, making him a Man.
Fact #3: FMD is, after viewing his birth certificate with my own eys I have confirmed that his real name is actually "Dan." (I lied, I actually have never seen his birth certificate)
In light of confirming these 3 facts I too shall buy in and subscribe to The Thursday Blog http://thethursdayblog.com/ as well as add it to my blogroll.
FMD, if America could ask you to do 3 things it would be the following: 1) to always stay Funny, 2) To always be a Man, and 3) never go by another name other than Dan.
My Pregame Jam
This has been my pregame jam before every service for the past 6 months. I can't get enough of this song, it pumps me to go and to do whatever God calls me to do. Be sure to wait for the song after about a minute and a half muscical introduction. Thanks Hillsong United for another Home Run!
Dust it off!

Life after LegoLand Series

My thoughts summed up in a song.
This past month has been such a great month it has left me literally speechless when trying to talk about it. This video is basically the sum of everything I'd like to say. The David Crowder Band is one of my favorite worship bands and as always he leads you to the feet of Jesus. If you are unfamiliar with the David Crowder Band check them out and buy all their cd's.
- We used about 1,000,000 legos.
- We had an 8,000 sheet paper fight.
- We smashed over 20 pies in peoples faces.
- We watched 8 leaders eat peanut butter off of plexi glass.
- We had inflatable water slide that was bigger than our 28 foot building.
- We served over 660 kids.
- We saw close to 230 volunteers serve throughout the week. Thank you so much volunteers for all your hard work and servanthood, you all ROCK!
- We witnessed 70 first time decisions.
- We think over 600 learned the verse of the week which is John 15:13 "The greatest love a person can show is to lay down his life for his friends."
- We passed out thousands of "Keep On Brickin" encouragement stickers. When a child did something good/positive a leader would give them a "Keep On Brickin" sticker and send a note home to the parents telling them what their child had done.
- We met 100's of new kids.
- We saw over 30 new families come to our church during last Saturday night's service alone.
Now in ministry a lot of people get weird when talking about numbers (big or small) and I sort of get that but as long as each number has a face and soul I will always be about numbers because Jesus is about numbers. That's why in Luke 15 He went after the 1 lost sheep. Here are a couple true stories about some #'s. We'll call this one #248: his mom just left him 2 weeks ago for good and a friend invited him to LegoLand and one thing led to another and this 5th grader gave his life to Jesus. Story # 412 During the school year kid A makes fun of kid B for reading the bible and believing in God. Long story short kid A came to LegoLand and gave his life to Jesus and now of course believes in God. There are so many stories of God just showing up and doing miracles in the lives of these kids. I am in AWE of all God has done, is doing, and will continue to do in this community. If you have a story from last week please share by commenting on this post or emailing me @ dustin@fellowshiporlando.com We'd really like to hear what God did for your child, you as a parent, or you as a volunteer. Thank you Lord for a week we can only describe as "God showed up".
Life after LegoLand
This is me "surprising" Pastor Chad by coming out of the big barrel throwing paper balls at him.
The Chick Fil A Cow joined us today during the morning session. He greeted kids at the door then danced with us. They hooked every kid up with a free kids meal, gotta love that.
We've had a lot of people ask about the songs we've picked out for LEGOLAND. Here is who they are:
Brother, Sister, Friend: This is an unrecorded song; meaning you can't buy it.
Happy Day: Steve Fee
Follow You: Hillsong Kids
Take it All: Hillsong Kids
There is no one like You: David Crowder Band
Again I'll go into more detail tomorrow but today we saw 70 kids give their lives to Christ for the first time. Wow, that is awesome. Praise God!!!
More to come tomorrow, goodnight/good morning.
LEGOLAND Live Online Tonight
1) Opening Rally: From 6:00-6:45. This is crazy squad war games, funny videos, worship songs, and lots of high energy stuff centered around a brief message.
2) Stations: From 6:45 - 8:15 kids rotate from 4 different stations. They go from REC to Snack time to the Imagination Station (building Lego's) to a small group lesson time.
3) Closing Rally: 8:15-9:00. This very similar to the opening rally but with a slight more focus to rally the kids around a longer and heavier message.
You can watch both rallies but not the stations. The feed is live and is not recorded.
The link to watch live is http://live.fellowshiporlando.com/
Thanks and be praying as we present the gospel. This morning we had 51 kids give their lives to Christ. That's awesome!


Here is the 30 foot water slide. It was huge. The kids loved it. However it did storm in the evening and we were unable to use it during the evening session. We will NOT be able to have a make up water day, sorry.
The game today was involved hot dogs. We chose some students to come on stage. Each team had two players. One player wore a necklace with a cup on it. While the other teammate took hot dogs and tossed them at their partner who tried to catch the hot dogs with their cups.
Teams Orange Crush and Green Machine during the worship time.
A view of the praise team leading worship.
Here are some kids racing their Lego's race cars.
Here is a picture of our REC leader and some kids.
LEGOLAND: Day 1 PM Session

This is a picture of the two youngest people in the praise band. The one on the left is my daughter Callie Joy. They are doing great.

Here is Pastor Chad leading the crew.

Here are some kids and leaders hanging out racing their built Lego cars.