Something I've been trying to do for a little while now is praying every Monday. Fresh off the weekend services where I talk with so many hurting kids and families I've decided to have an extended time of prayer every Monday for whoever wants it. I'll be praying for the various issues I am aware of. However if you have something you'd like me to be in prayer for you can email me @ dustin@fellowshiporlando.com All prayer request will of course be confidential and prayed for weekly. In Acts 3 Peter & John are asked by a beggar for some money. This is their response, "Look at us. I don't have any silver and gold for you. But I'll give you what I do have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!" I feel like I can relate to this story. I don't have this or that but what I do have I will give you. I have a divine connection (we all do) with the ruler of the Universe. So that is what I offer. Big or small, messy or clean, whatever your burden I am here to pray for you. Blessings!
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