Recently I've been reading and studying the prophet Jeremiah found in the Old Testament. In Jeremiah 13 God is asking Jeremiah to do a series of events that don't make sense. 1) God tells Jeremiah to "Go and buy a linen loincloth and put it on, but do not wash it." Jeremiah's response, "So i bought the loincloth as the Lord directed me, and I put it on." 2) God tells Jeremiah, "Hide the loincloth in the Euphrates River in a hole in the rocks." Jeremiah's response, "So I went to the Euphrates River and hid it as the Lord directed." 3) God tells Jeremiah, "Go back to the Euphrates River and get the loincloth you hid there." Jeremiah's response, "So I went to the Euphrates River and dug up the loincloth."
What I am so impressed with is Jeremiah's obedience. God keeps giving him these crazy instructions and Jeremiah's response each time is, "So I...(obeyed God)." Man what faith and trust as he proves his faith through his obedience. Every time we read scripture the Holy Spirit speaks to us, calling us to do crazy things for His glory. The question for us both is, what's our response. I pray each of us have the same response that Jeremiah had, a simple yet radical faith that is full of obedience no matter what the instructions are.
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