Research Results...

So after much research I have concluded some pretty amazing facts regarding one Funny Man Dan.
Fact #1: FMD is in fact very Funny.
Fact #2: FMD is a male, making him a Man.
Fact #3: FMD is, after viewing his birth certificate with my own eys I have confirmed that his real name is actually "Dan." (I lied, I actually have never seen his birth certificate)

In light of confirming these 3 facts I too shall buy in and subscribe to The Thursday Blog as well as add it to my blogroll.

FMD, if America could ask you to do 3 things it would be the following: 1) to always stay Funny, 2) To always be a Man, and 3) never go by another name other than Dan.


I have nothing to say except "shucks".

Thanks for the love all the way for the fantastic US of A.

Your friend.

Jazzy Jeff (FMD)