This is Peter Lebhar, a sophomore at Florida State University. I've known Peter for the past 6 years or so. I remember meeting Peter when he was in 8th or 9th grade and I remember being able to tell immediately that there was something really special about him, it was his very mature and sincere passion to follow after Jesus Christ. Peter, myself, and another solid student named Wes Winfree decided to meet on a weekly basis before school to simply explore what it meant to follow Christ. While at Church of the Redeemer in Jax, FLA the two of them stepped up into leadership like I've never seen before. They both led programs, led musically, led their peers, led events, led their own faith so its no doubt that now Peter has his own CD. I've said its the best CD I've ever heard because I know the story behind it all, I know the man of God that Peter is, and most importantly I know that Peter is not a musician but a follower of Christ that happens to like music. To say I am proud of Peter is a huge understatement. I'm not surprised but I am proud. As a matter of fact I look forward to hearing more stories of what God will do through his life and ministry. Peter, may God continue to bless you, draw you closer to Him like never before, and use you to build His Kingdom. Thanks for blessing us with the tunes brother. You can check out Peter's stuff on iTunes soon or right now @
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