Happy Thanksgiving and now Merry Christmas
Youth Service Recap, 12/05/07
Youth Service Recap, 11/14/07
Riley and Callie Joy's dedication to the Lord.

Just Sick!

11.07.07 RECAP
TALK: For someone that claims to be all about God and not of this world I realized like never before how attached I am to so many worldly things. Yesterday we started a new series on attachment and taking a close look at the things we are attached to and then next week we'll talk about detaching. Throughout the entire time of preparing and discussing what we are attached to I found so many of us are attached to so many stupid things. We talked about how dumb it was for my at the time one year old son to be so attached to a wooden spoon and how dumb we look when we are so attached to the same pointless matters. The only that should captivate our hearts is Christ but too often I get wooed by the wooden spoons are our culture.
STUDENT RESPONSE: ABOVE AVERAGE, we asked everyone to write down 5 things they were attached to so they can confess that to God. I was overwhelmed by the amount of students that had run out of space by the things they are attached to.
LEADERSHIP: BELOW AVERAGE, We had a couple of leaders sick, a couple that are m.i.a, but the core group are doing a great stepping up and leading teenagers.
WORSHIP: ABOVE AVERAGE, Al tough Tom got sick just before the service, which meant we couldn't do musical worship, the night still felt like a great time of worship and connecting with God.
Too much greed
Halloween 2007

This was a great Halloween. By day I was playing daddy as our family took off to Sea World for their festivities and by night we threw a an event together for the area teenagers. Riley was Jeff Gordon and Callie Joy was a ballerina, while I was a ghostbuster. We had a great time at Sea World, they really made the day special with lots of events and trick or treating the kids loved it. As well the night went great, we played some wild games that involved 10 dozen eggs, pumpkins, and strobe lights. I'll post pic of all that as soon as i get them. The night was a success though. We were able to serve many students through wild games and then toward the end of the evening many students made decision to live for Christ, including 6 who have never been to church. I love that. Lost kids thinking that October 31st was Halloween now realize that it's there spiritual birthday. All in all a great day.
It's time to take out the trash!

I hate ...
Maybe David's biggest moment
One brick at a time by one prayer at a time.
Confessions from a God Shrinker
Free Shackles
Tribes @ FSM
August 10-17: Vacation in the Smokey Mountains with the fam. It was a great renewal in every area. Blessed to be able to go.
August 20: First day of school. It feels good to back in school were we are able to reach out and serve the community.
August 22: First Night of Tribes! Tribes are our attempt of forming small groups within the student ministry. See future blog for more info.
September 2: Speak @ Pine Ridge Fellowship (PRF) due to Pastor Dave being ill, now he is better, yeah! I spoke on God's desire for us to live in peace with our finances as our economy is proving most of us are living upside down lives financially. See future blog soon.
September 2-3: Headed to St. Augustine with the family to speak to a great group of college leaders during a college retreat for Good News church led by a long time friend Andy Hirko. Andy is has such an amazing heart for God and for people. His team of leaders are gearing up to really impact St. Augustine. Be in prayer for them as they are praying for God to radically transform their community.
Crazy few weeks
Well I haven't been bored lately. Life seems to been in overdrive the past several weeks. It started when on the first day of doing a local mission week. After a bunch of students came to serve some got in a pretty intense car wreck on the way home. Two students walked away, one with minor injuries, one with the need to get knee surgery, leaving the driver with a broken pelvis. The only good part that process was at the same time I found out that Pops, the one we've been praying for, has found out that his cancer didn't spread. Praise God! So he went into surgery this past Monday, July 30th. The surgery went great and was a success but his recovery hasn't gone as planned. It's been longer, harder, and more intense than maybe we were thinking. He is getting better everyday though and hopefully will go home over the weekend. Thanks for all your prayers and support. I believe it is what has carried my father through all this. Well I'm out to head to our youth leadership retreat for the weekend, looking forward to get with the team and see what God is store for us. Blessings!
Our Leaders Rock!

Slip N Slide Fun

- Parents saw the church love their children.
- Students were reminded that the church is here to serve them.
- Leaders deepened their relationships with students.
- Older students began to embrace younger students (discipleship).
- Students were reminded that Christians don't have to be boring.
- Different cliques laughed and played with other cliques, this is huge.
- Students were shown I Thessalonians 2:8, that as leaders we are not only here to share with you the gospel but our lives as well.
- A sense of inner community as we split off into teams and played crazy games students began encouraging eachother, helping eachother, serving eachother, etc.
- The leaders showed the students what it means to serve.
- God smiled. I'm convicnced that as God saw all those things going on via a slip n and slide it just had to bring a smile to His face.
Pops Update!

Prayers for my Pops!

Beach daz are rad

Sr. High Camp

Junior High Camp

Lets give it a shot
I wanted to create this site to simply share my thoughts on what God is doing in my life and in my heart. I've always enjoyed to journal my thoughts on paper so I'm pretty excited to open my heart and brain and share with you what God is doing in my life through the good and through the bad.
I'm new to this whole thing so if you notice me doing something dumb don't leave me hanging, let a brother know. may God bless you on your journey, DA