This blog is in response to the previous blog of I hate... Wednesday at youth we continued a series of getting angry at what makes God angry. This particular talk was about discoverying a specific burden God has put in each of our paths for us to champion. We discussed Nehemiah and how his burden was rebuilding the wall. We each were challenged to pick a burden (what is your fight), to pick a side (whose side will you fight for), and to pick a weapon (how will you fight). The night ended with anyone wanting to pick a fight to come up and get a black X on your hand to act as a symbol of God here we are willing and ready to fight your fight when you show us which fight to fight. It was beautful. I guessed maybe 10 kids would come up and take this serious. I think almost everystudent came up, I was blown away. This generation truly is about standing up for justice as I saw many students eager to do their part to change the world. As each student came up I saw in their eyes passion and hope to change their culture. Afterwards I spoke with many studnets as they told me different things they were going to stand up and fight for or against. One students wants to fight for their whole family to come to church and give their lives to Christ. Another student wants to start a bible study to help new Christians know God better. Another student wants 3 of here friends to know that God loves them no matter what. Many other students are waiting to hear from God what thier fight is but one student siad it best. He simply looked up at me and said Dustin, "it's time to take out the trash." I loved it, he was right. Something stinks and we've grown accustom to it instead of taking it to the curb. For us the way of the culture stinks and instead of complaining were stepping up and taking that junk to the curb. If you have a fight God has laid on your heart, share with us, I'd love to hear what God has called you to champion.
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