Yesterday a bunch of us from the student ministry went on a scavenger hunt throughout the city. It was darn good fun. The event wasn't something students signed up for so we weren't sure how many students would come. So as student after student showed up almost every leader that showed up kept asking me, "Dustin, what are going to do if we have too many students?" Although a very logical and possible problem the thought really never entered my mind for one really awesome reason, we have amazing leaders. We had I believe 55 students come, which if you do the math is a lot of vehicles. However I was able rest in the fact that our leaders absolutely love our students, they really do. Although I hadn't asked one leader to come we had about 12 show up ready to love and serve teenagers. So when so many students were beginning to show up I was able to rest in the fact that our leadership team rocks. Huge student ministries don't have half as many good leaders as we have. I feel very blessed to be apart of this team and look forward to many more days of serving with each other in the future. Leaders thank you for your heart to love and serve teenagers, may God bless you as you are blessing others.
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