Fresh off the Hillsong United Conference and it was absolutely sick. People from 48 states and 6 nations joined together to worship God and it was a powerful weekend. God seems to just be all over Hillsong church in all they do. God is just evident in all they put together. I had a great time with some students and some leaders. We were blown away by the Spirit of God. I got a chance to see some old friends as the venue was my childhood church (FBC/O) and my first student ministry role (as an intern). It was neat to be back and see what God is doing through the ministry and leadership of Senior Pastor David Uth. The workshops were great, the teachings were great, the music was great. Great investment of my time and energy. I encourage anyone to check out what these guys are all about. The pictures are not of the actual event but they are the closest I found to what it looked like when 6,000 people showed up to worship God in one voice. Well in about an hour or two we are going to be dedicating our children Riley and Callie Joy to the Lord. Were excited as are the kids. You'll see a blog and some pics soon. blessings, da I
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