This was a great Halloween. By day I was playing daddy as our family took off to Sea World for their festivities and by night we threw a an event together for the area teenagers. Riley was Jeff Gordon and Callie Joy was a ballerina, while I was a ghostbuster. We had a great time at Sea World, they really made the day special with lots of events and trick or treating the kids loved it. As well the night went great, we played some wild games that involved 10 dozen eggs, pumpkins, and strobe lights. I'll post pic of all that as soon as i get them. The night was a success though. We were able to serve many students through wild games and then toward the end of the evening many students made decision to live for Christ, including 6 who have never been to church. I love that. Lost kids thinking that October 31st was Halloween now realize that it's there spiritual birthday. All in all a great day.
way funny. I should have gone.
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