Nothing New

This pic has nothing to do with this post but I just had to post it anyways, this our 9 lbs newborn Darby Grace. Well when we were told of TJ's condition we were prepared for a long road of recovery. Then TJ began making huge strides the first 4 days which got our hopes up for a quick recovery. However the past 3 days have been dull with no visible signs of progress. Monday she did feel pain but her overall ability to move has not improved the past 3 days. I think TJ and I were thinking we'd beat this a lot quicker than it appears it is going to be. I wouldn't say we are discouraged as much it seems that reality of this recovery time is beginning to set in. Please pray for TJ...1) that progress would continue to take place 2) that God's grace would continue to cover and guide us. Thanx again for all your prayers.