Here is an update on TJ. Her Femoral Nerve has been damaged. She has weakness in both legs to the point of them being unusable. Her legs move but she can't move them a lot or put much pressure on them. The doctors told us that 80% of patients receive total healing within 1 week to 6 months. The doctors do feel confident that TJ will recover completely, they just don't know how long it will take. Today she started physical therapy and she will do so daily. Please pray that God continues to give TJ the strength, courage, and faith to face this head on. Pray that God would bring complete healing. And pray that God would allow TJ to overcome this issue quickly. TJ is awesome. She is in good spirits and I am proud of her. Thank you everyone for all you've already done and for all your prayers.
Dustin & TJ,
Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl!!!! Please know that you both are in my prayers. TJ I pray for God's healing power and He gives you strength. We love you all! Linda, Vic & Amber
Dustin and TJ,
Congratulations! We are praying for quick and complete healing.
Love The Justice Family
Darby is just beautiful! I'm praying for you all.
Our God is big and He will heal T.J. Tell her I'll help every day once my baby comes and I'm off work on maternity! Until then, I will help as much as I can. We can act like we have twins! Seriously, though, I have a call out to a health professional to see if he can help T.J. recover quicker. I'll let you know what I find out. Call me soon or have T.J. call me as soon as you can! I love you guys!
Resting in the arms of Jehovah Raffa!
Shellie Patterson
Dustin and TJ,
Darby is so beautiful!! We are praying for you TJ. I have no doubt with your faith in god and super mom strength, you will beat this in no time. If you guys need anything at all, please call.
I'm not working so I have all the time in the world. 407-314-7462
Love, Aaron, Shannon,Emma, and Gaige
Praying for you guys! Congrats and take the power of God people are throwing on you with some prayer right now! You rock!
Dustin and T.J.,
We are all praying for you!
The Carakers
Mark, Carole, A.C., Elise, & Brian
Dustin and TJ - Jim and I are praying for you guys! I am confident that God will heal you quickly - in the mean time He will provide a way for you all to get through this. Thanks for keeping us updated!
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