Due to TJ's phenomenal progress she was released from the hospital today. The doctors know she still has a long road ahead but they thought she could improve just the same at home. Everyday she has made big strides. As of today she is able to walk short distances with a the help of a walker. No one really knows her timeline but my guess is she'll be walking in 7-10 days and fully functioning in 2-3 weeks, that's Dr. Aagaard's prognosis. Pic #1 TJ's hospital bed the way its supposed to be, empty. Pic #2 Darby, TJ, and I leaving the hospital Pic #3 Me showing Darby the world from our hospital room on the 7th floor. Thank you for all your prayers. There is still more work to be done, please continue to keep TJ in your prayers, thanx.
praise God! I haven't commented yet but BJ & I have been praying for you guys and have been so concerned about TJ. I know we're far away but if there is ANYTHING we can do for you guys, please let us know. We will continue to pray--and by the way, Darby is beautiful!
Yay!!!!! Jim and I are so glad to hear that you are home :) I don't know what type of help TJ needs, but I don't work and am happy to come help out for a day or two - I will need to bring my little one with me, but if we can get a few of us ladies together in a rotation to come over and help out I think it could work! If you don't want (or need) help at home, we'd love to bring you a meal. Let us know what day we could bring it by (we won't stay long - we know what it's like with a newborn around). I'm thinking cheese enchiladas and spanish rice if you're up for it. Let us know - jimandjennlyons@gmail.com
Praying for you guys!
Jim and Jenn
Hi Dustin, Bryan and I have been keeping up with your life over the past week and Congratulations on your little girl, she's wonderful. We have been praying daily for your family and tell TJ we love her.
I like Dr. Aagaard's prognosis and will pray accordingly!
I think it's so awesome that TJ finally gets to go home. I have been praying for her and the rest of the Aagaards every chance I get. I also want to say that I love the expression on your face in the photo of you showing Darby the world.
Hey Sweet Friend-
John came home so excited last night from small group to tell me the AWESOME, AWESOME news!
I am so happy for you and praising God for TJ's success thus far. We love you and are here waiting for you to tell us how to help!! We can not wait to meet Darby--you all look so beautiful and peaceful. God is soo good!! Love you!!
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