No Pain No Gain

Because of your prayers TJ now feels pain. That's right for all of you out there that have been praying for TJ, she is now in pain because of you. Part of her problem has been the struggle of having feeling in her legs. As of this morning TJ began to experience pain in one of her legs, ironically the pain was caused by her other daughter Callie Joy. Pain in this case is good because pain equals feeling which equals healing. Go figure. Thanks for your prayers, keep em comin!


We (the whole stinkin PRF family) are in need of your new address. Would you e-mail it to me? I'm happy and not surprised to hear that TJ is well on her way to a quick recovery. I haven't seen anything that can slow her down, or God for that matter, yet.
Hugs and kisses to your big beautiful family!

who would have thought pain would be great news? i had a dream about you guys the other night, TJ walked into the room, totally recovered!! it's going to happen! praying for you all, love the picture of Riley praying for Darby, he's a sweetie!