This weekend we are wrapping up a series called, "More than PunX". My boy and youth pastor over at Pine Ridge Fellowship, Tom Wycuff gave me this series idea as we unfolded I Timothy 4:12 for 5 weeks. This content in this series is some of the best stuff for kids we've done in a long time. The thesis is were all punx some times but Christ called us to be more than punx, to be more than trouble makers, bullies, gossipers. Christ called us to be leaders in what we say, how we live, how we love, in our faith, and in our purity. The message that Christ loves us even though we are often punx hit home with a lot of our kids. This has been a very successful series, thanks Tom. Reason #3428 on why we as pastors should build bridges with each other and not walls.
Amen brother. Great ideas!!!
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