This is a picture of Francis Chan and I. Francis is a Pastor out in southern California (http://www.cornerstonesimi.com/) and in my opinion one of the best pastors in America. I recently read his book entitled, Crazy Love, and it was unbelievable. Grant it I am a huge fan of the Chan Man. I don't know of someone in America leading a big church as Christ like as he is. His book is a must read for all humans. If you are a christian, non-christian, pastor, church goer, mom, college student, and all in between. The book is solid. It will rock you leaving you with a clearer image of Christ, His Church, and the gap between the two. It's not another book on church, it's a fresh/old look on how to follow The Way aka how to be a Christ follower or what we in N. America call Christianity. Francis is definitely considered a radical, someone actually living a life Christ calls us to live. If you are happy with your safe, predictable, and cozy faith don't read the book. However if you are a follower are looking to be closer to Christ I challenge you to follow the link and buy the book (heck, let me know and I'll buy the book for you). http://www.amazon.com/Crazy-Love-Overwhelmed-Relentless-God/dp/1434768511/ref=si3_rdr_bb_product Tom Wycuff, thanks for challenging me to read this book. Easily one of the top 3 reads of my life. (PS, this pic was taken last January when Tom and I and Lauren went to Passion LA and popped in for one of his services which I blogged about on Jan. 30, 2008. Also check itunes and follow Francis via podcast, great stuff)
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