Yeah I said it. I love black people. I have a lot of black friends and it's a shame that prejudice played such a huge role in our culutre the past years, decades, and centuries. Today is Martin Luther King Day and tomorrow we'll be inducting our first African American President. MLK's vision wasn't about race as much as it was love and peace, which Jesus said was the summary of all the commandments, Matthew 22:37-40. I believe that if race wasn't an issue MLK would have charged a different mountain. Race just happen to be the burden MLK carried but from my understanding His passion for God and others trumped any sort of racial war he lead. The picture above is a picture of my two kids (the white ones) with my neighbor/co-worker/friend's kids (the black ones). Without MLK acting on his vision and burden to see all people created equal (a very Christ centered idea) I'm not sure this picture ever takes place. Today we sat our kids down and explained to them what today meant. When we explained that long ago lots of people were mean to black people they just kept asking why? Why would they do that? Why didn't they play with them? Like them? etc? Of course I was not able to answer their question as I still have the same question. Wondering why anyone on this planet thinks they are better than another. Let Christ example be a reminder of the attitude were to have when dealing with others, Philippians 2:3-6. MLK's cross to carry was racism what's the cross God is calling you to shoulder. What's your burden? What's the injustice that keeps you up at night and what are you willing to do to bring about change? May God give us all the courage, the strength, the compassion, the vision, the passion, and the obedience to take our causes and do as what He did through MLK. Jesus Christ is my ultimate hero and anyone who seeks justice in His name is a hero of mine. Happy MLK day and for the record blacks rock, asians rock, middle easterns rock, even short white freckled people rock.
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