Wild Goose Chase

So I'm reading this book called Wild Goose Chase (I'll elaborate on it later) but the jist is to quit playing safe comfortable Christianity and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us more often. So as I took both kids to Sea World last Friday I asked them the question if Jesus were to go to Sea World what would He do? Their answer was, He'd buy a Shamu doll and give it to someone that didn't have one. So that was the first thing we did when we got there. The kids were so excited picking out the stuffed Shamu. Then it came time to picking the right recipient. And then they both agreed on Lily. Lily was a 5 year old shy girl from Washington D.C. I introduced myself to the father and let the kids explain their plan. We gave Lily the Shamu and left thinking nothing of it. Well later on in the day we run into the rest of the family (who wasn't present earlier) and they were dumbfounded that we would do what we did for Lily. That opened the door for me to give a quick explanation of my faith and how Christ has changed everything about me including my wallet and time. The mother then explains that she is Jewish and respects my view but doesn't share it. The beauty was I was able to explain to a Jewish woman that my love for Christ is what led us to by the doll and that it was out of duty or regulation (which is how many Jewish people live, out of duty, not love). Although the story ends there I also thought it was cool that the author of the book has his church in DC (which is where Lily and her fam lives) and I shared that with her and she knew of the church. So now our prayer is that Lily and her family would be drawn to National Community Church in DC. It was a really neat thing for the kids to be apart of. My goal is to Chase the Wild Goose and put our family in more of those neat, led by the Spirit moments. I know this was long, but thought I had to share it. May you go and Chase the Wild Goose also.
"Crazy Love" by Francis Chan

This is a picture of Francis Chan and I. Francis is a Pastor out in southern California (http://www.cornerstonesimi.com/) and in my opinion one of the best pastors in America. I recently read his book entitled, Crazy Love, and it was unbelievable. Grant it I am a huge fan of the Chan Man. I don't know of someone in America leading a big church as Christ like as he is. His book is a must read for all humans. If you are a christian, non-christian, pastor, church goer, mom, college student, and all in between. The book is solid. It will rock you leaving you with a clearer image of Christ, His Church, and the gap between the two. It's not another book on church, it's a fresh/old look on how to follow The Way aka how to be a Christ follower or what we in N. America call Christianity. Francis is definitely considered a radical, someone actually living a life Christ calls us to live. If you are happy with your safe, predictable, and cozy faith don't read the book. However if you are a follower are looking to be closer to Christ I challenge you to follow the link and buy the book (heck, let me know and I'll buy the book for you). http://www.amazon.com/Crazy-Love-Overwhelmed-Relentless-God/dp/1434768511/ref=si3_rdr_bb_product Tom Wycuff, thanks for challenging me to read this book. Easily one of the top 3 reads of my life. (PS, this pic was taken last January when Tom and I and Lauren went to Passion LA and popped in for one of his services which I blogged about on Jan. 30, 2008. Also check itunes and follow Francis via podcast, great stuff)
Blacks Rock!

Yeah I said it. I love black people. I have a lot of black friends and it's a shame that prejudice played such a huge role in our culutre the past years, decades, and centuries. Today is Martin Luther King Day and tomorrow we'll be inducting our first African American President. MLK's vision wasn't about race as much as it was love and peace, which Jesus said was the summary of all the commandments, Matthew 22:37-40. I believe that if race wasn't an issue MLK would have charged a different mountain. Race just happen to be the burden MLK carried but from my understanding His passion for God and others trumped any sort of racial war he lead. The picture above is a picture of my two kids (the white ones) with my neighbor/co-worker/friend's kids (the black ones). Without MLK acting on his vision and burden to see all people created equal (a very Christ centered idea) I'm not sure this picture ever takes place. Today we sat our kids down and explained to them what today meant. When we explained that long ago lots of people were mean to black people they just kept asking why? Why would they do that? Why didn't they play with them? Like them? etc? Of course I was not able to answer their question as I still have the same question. Wondering why anyone on this planet thinks they are better than another. Let Christ example be a reminder of the attitude were to have when dealing with others, Philippians 2:3-6. MLK's cross to carry was racism what's the cross God is calling you to shoulder. What's your burden? What's the injustice that keeps you up at night and what are you willing to do to bring about change? May God give us all the courage, the strength, the compassion, the vision, the passion, and the obedience to take our causes and do as what He did through MLK. Jesus Christ is my ultimate hero and anyone who seeks justice in His name is a hero of mine. Happy MLK day and for the record blacks rock, asians rock, middle easterns rock, even short white freckled people rock.
Dear God...

The children's ministry as well as the adult services are in the middle of a series entitled, "Dear God...30 days that can change everything". It's a series on prayer and looking for God for hope in troubled times. For the kids it's been really cool as we've had 3-5 minutes of quiet prayer time every week. For many kids this is the first they have ever prayed to God. For others it's the longest they have ever slowed down to reflect on how awesome He is. Amazing to think we've been about to get 60 kids in a room at one time, all quiet, and all praying. It's a pretty cool sight to see. So I leave you with this, Dear God...(I'll let you finish the sentence). Grace & Peace, Dustin
Gators, BCS National Champs

Last Thursday, the Florida Gators won the BCS National Championship game and it was amazing. A friend of mine invited all three of us pastors (from Fellowship Orlando) to join him and his family at the game. It was the greatest game I have ever been at. We tailgated 5 hours before the game and 2 hours after the game. The whole place was going nuts. An amazing game with great people. Most of all I was humbled to even be invited to such a coveted event. I was blown away by friends invitation and wont forget it as long as I live. Go Gators!!!
A must read...

For Christmas my brother Duane (what up D-wayne) got me a new book by Patrick Lencioni (also wrote "5 dysfunctions of a team" along with other books) called "The 3 Big Questions for a Frantic Family". I couldn't put it down as I constantly found myself just eating it up. His material isn't anything new but still very profound. His goal is to help families be less reactive and more purposeful in it's approach to everyday life. This book was so solid that I strongly recommend it to families of all kinds. One of the exercises it challenges us to do is to come up with a mission statement for our family. We actually already did this from a past series we did here at Fellowship Orlando called Rethinking Family. Here is the Aagaard mission statement: Our goal as a family is to pursue God radically, laugh relentlessly, give graciously, and stick together forever no matter what.
Slow pace & Fast chase
2009 is here and I am ready to rock n roll. My resolution this year is to slow down and enjoy life. My slogan for the year (that's right somehow I have a slogan) is "Slow pace & Fast chase" Meaning to slow down in all areas of my life and enjoy the main things more (my family, nature, simply hanging out with friends,). "Fast chase" referring to my attempt of chasing after God more than ever this year. This starts with saying no to other things. No to staying up late so I can get up earlier and have a more focused time with God. This year I will say "no" more than ever in my life. I look forward to strengthening my family and my relationship with God by saying no to all the "good" distractions that come my way. Happy New Year and may this year be a year we cling to God and each other like never before.
Christmas Update

Over the Christmas break we had a wild ride. While it was the first ever Christmas I didn't leave the house all day it was by far the craziest. Almost every day for 2 weeks we drove somewhere new for a different gathering, service, or party. It was all good but it has left TJ and I exhausted and excited to slow down. Due to the crazy two weeks I was too busy to blog so here is a brief update.
- Christmas Eve: We had 4 services and had almost 1100 people worship with us. A great day.
- Christmas Gift: With it being Jesus birthday we have a tradition of giving Him something for His birthday. This year we decided to sponsor Agnes (pictured above). She's from Uganda and Riley and Callie Joy are so excited to about helping her. Although we did it to serve we are already seeing the benefits as both Riley and Callie Joy are constantly talking about ways to help her. Happy Birthday Jesus. For more info on the organization visit www.compassion.com
- Christmas Presents: We are so spoiled. We got overwhelmed with so many presents and are kids call our house the toy factory because we have so many presents. Thank you to everyone for your generosity and love.
More stuff happened but I have little time and little memory. Grace and Peace, Dustin
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