This weekend in the AZ Theater we learned that ROCKSTARS have fans. We learned that Jesus is our biggest fan and that He calls us to be His fan as well.
Bible Story: The story comes from John 6:60-71. Jesus got done giving a tough "sermon" and many of those following Him began to leave Him because of it. As many of them were leaving He then turned to the 12 disciples and asked them, "Are you going to leave too?" There response was great. They spoke up and said where would we go? Who else is there worth following? Basically telling God that they were His biggest fans and they didn't want to be anywhere else than right there where they were.
Series Memory Verse (for the whole fam): "For God so loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life" John 3:16
Game: To stay within the ROCKSTAR theme we had each Band (aka small group) give there best attempt to making the Barney theme song a rock song. The kids of course went nuts and loved every minute of it.
The Homework: Strike up a conversation with your kids about something they really love (what they are fans of?). During that conversation discuss with them two things: 1) the fact that God is and always will be there biggest and best fan forever. 2)Let them know that God wants us to be His biggest fan as well. Discuss with them ways that your family can show that they are fans of God. Conclude with reminding them how much of a fan you are for them as well. Kids can never hear that enough. Let's continue to follow Him together...Rock On!
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