Recently we purchased a couple of these Flip Video cameras and I love them. They are so easy in every area. They are as small as an ipod. The "flip" name came from it's usb port that flips right out of the top which makes downloading easy. The software is built right into the camera as well. Sharing it to a website or via email is a cake too. I'm not tech savvy at all and I made my first video in 30 minutes, you can check them out below from the Easter blogs. Both of them came from this Flip Video. The ones we have are HD so quality is great even on the big screens. We've already used it to shot announcements to the people in a quick and fun way. The cost is $200 and it's the best investment I've made in a long time. Great buy, I recommend it if you are looking to get your church to know what is going on behind closed doors during a service. It's called the Flip Mino HD, you check it out more @ http://www.amazon.com/Flip-Video-MinoHD-Camcorder-Minutes/dp/B001HSOFI2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1239992907&sr=8-1
I want one of those so bad!
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