This past weekend we continued are series "How to be Rich!". We taught your child what it means to save. We learned that Savings is God’s plan for us to have funds both Now & Later. Imagine if are kids didn’t live in debt but actually lived on 80% of their income instead of 110% or 140%. Can you imagine the heartache they’d bypass. If you were with us this weekend then you got the Now & Later candy and hopefully you had a successful conversation with your child about savings. If you were not with us we gave each parent a Now & Later and a note that encouraged them to have a conversation with their child about the importance of savings. If that conversation happened then the child got the Now & Later.
Scripture for the Week: Proverbs 21:20
Homework: Instead of a weekly Homework challenge we are having a series long homework challenge. Here it is... go shopping with your child and buy 3 jars. On the 1st jar write Tithe, on the 2nd jar write Save, & the 3rd jar write Spend. Now get $10 in one dollar bills. Give them the money only if they agree to put the 1st $1 in the Tithe jar and the 2nd $1 in the Save jar and then the $8 in the Spend jar. Of course they’ll agree and learn a valuable lesson in being biblical and wise with their money.
Next week: We will be discussing the importance of Spending His Money His Way.
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