Do you ever get frustrated when you hear of some rich person that "has it all" complain over a "problem" we'd love to have. Like P-Diddy complaining because he now has to fly first class instead of on his private jet because the gas prices are so high. Tough problem, huh? Well I have a feeling we are all sounding more like P-Diddy these days and less like Mother Teresa. Most of us in the U.S. are filthy rich, including myself. Of course we don't think we are but what we think doesn't change the fact that we are rich. I don't mean rich in Christ, I mean rich in Bling Bling. Check out this site. Simply log in what you make and it will tell you how rich you are. Pretty neat and pretty darn convicting. http://www.globalrichlist.com/ In Philippians 3:7-10 Paul talks about how everything seems like garbage compared to Christ, WOW! I pray that for me. Too many times I know I get easily lured into the newest thing or wonder, "yeah why don't I have that". I guess when it comes to the national bailout I don't blame the government, I blame myself. I make plenty of money. If only I'd spend less, save more, give more, and want less. Congrats, were RICH!!! I can't tell you how passionate I am to help kids from a young age realize what we do have and not cry for what we don't have. This is so anti-american but very much pro Jesus. Let's teach the next generation that "His grace really is enough".
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