This morning as I woke up I got excited about the week ahead of me and felt like this was going to be a great. Well I may have been wrong. It is noon on Monday and the only thing I've done is spend several hours looking for my cell phone. The good news, I found it. The bad news was...well you can see the picture. That's right I had to dumpster dive for my phone. At all started yesterday at church. Every Sunday I leave my phone on a back table. It seems someone accidentally knocked it into a small little waste basket. No big deal. The problem was no one saw it go into the clean little waste basket. So when our clean up crew cleaned up after church they emptied all the trash cans and put them in a big trash bag. Still this can't be too bad. But then I realized they already took out the trash to the dumpster. For most churches this wouldn't be a problem, but with our church being in a plaza, we share a dumpster with Party World (not bad), Quiznos (bad), and a Chinese Restaurant (very, very, bad). To make matters worse, the Chinese Restaurant doesn't use trash bags, they just throw the food in the dumpster. It was bad, I mean it smelled horrible. Flies were everywhere, it was not good at all! At first I thought my phone might be in there but wasn't going to search on a whim. But we (Tammy Joseph) called my phone and heard it vibrate in the very back bottom of the dumpster. So I look at Tammy and let her know, I am going in. I grab a mop from my Chinese friends to use as an extended arm and found a cardboard box to jump in so I wouldn't touch anything. After going through about 6 bags I found my phone. After grabbing my phone and cleaning it up I tell Tammy I'll be back later as I off to take my second shower in 4 hours. God and His sense of humor, gotta love it.
absolutely hilarious! Love ya bro... Sometimes we all have to sift through some trash to grab something worth saving!
I can smell ya from here :)
I can hear TJ now, calling your church office asking "have you seen Dustin's cell phone?". It like deja vu!
I'm glad you're experinecing something that might help you in ministry to the homeless. God is good :)
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