The best CD I've ever heard!

This is Peter Lebhar, a sophomore at Florida State University. I've known Peter for the past 6 years or so. I remember meeting Peter when he was in 8th or 9th grade and I remember being able to tell immediately that there was something really special about him, it was his very mature and sincere passion to follow after Jesus Christ. Peter, myself, and another solid student named Wes Winfree decided to meet on a weekly basis before school to simply explore what it meant to follow Christ. While at Church of the Redeemer in Jax, FLA the two of them stepped up into leadership like I've never seen before. They both led programs, led musically, led their peers, led events, led their own faith so its no doubt that now Peter has his own CD. I've said its the best CD I've ever heard because I know the story behind it all, I know the man of God that Peter is, and most importantly I know that Peter is not a musician but a follower of Christ that happens to like music. To say I am proud of Peter is a huge understatement. I'm not surprised but I am proud. As a matter of fact I look forward to hearing more stories of what God will do through his life and ministry. Peter, may God continue to bless you, draw you closer to Him like never before, and use you to build His Kingdom. Thanks for blessing us with the tunes brother. You can check out Peter's stuff on iTunes soon or right now @
Matt Chandler on Personal walk with Jesus
Matt is an amazing Pastor in Texas. Check him out at http://www.thevillagechurch.net/
Rosa Loves, Brilliant!!!

Great Weekend
Posted by
Dustin Aagaard
Monday, September 14, 2009
Elevate Jr.,
Fellowship Orlando
This past weekend was a great weekend in so many ways. Here's my Top Five reasons why this weekend rocked (in random order).
- The service times seemed to be a huge success. I met lots of new people that were excited to connect with God.
- We launched Elevate Jr. for the preschool ministry. The kids & families loved it. The next months are all about Spy Chase. Thanks Elevate Jr. team for the great resource.
- We launched Hillsong's BIG for our Elementary aged kids. Again families & kids loved it but the leaders seemed to love it the most as it made ministry simple for them. Thanks Hillsong Team for all your hard work, vision, and sacrifice to reach kids all around the globe.
- Fellowship Orlando adult service kicked off a new series called "reThink Life". The idea & passion behind the series challenges us to reThink & reprioritize how we live day to day. How we make decisions. How spend our time. How we relate to people, etc. Are senior pastor, Rodney, did a great job. The message was powerful! I'm thankful for Rodney as well as our entire staff @ FO. I feel blessed and humbled to work with them all.
- Our leadership teams rocked it. I was very impressed with the heart and mentally the FOkids leadership showed to step it up once again. Thanks teams! I've been planning, preparing, and equipping are leaders to run the ministry without me for about a year now. This weekend was officially the first weekend they took the ball and ran with it. As a matter of fact they didn't even need me. They could do it all with their eyes closed. Yesterday was a year long dream come true. Thanks leadership, well done!
Riley's Birthday
Today my RAD son Riley turned 6. For his birthday he has been wanting to go to Van's Skate Park (you can't go until you are at least 6 years old). So we all went and had a blast. I was excited to skate with him too. Neither one of us knew what to expect but we were excited. Once we got there I got nervous that Riley may get discouraged because the ramps were so big and fast. I told Riley his goal should be by the end of the day to go down a 2 foot ramp by himself without falling. Well he did it on his second attempt, WOW! I wasn't ready for Riley to be so good. He ended up going on 15 different ramps with the tallest being an 8 foot ramp. We had so much fun and it was a great birthday for him. The video is only of the smaller ramps from the beginning, not the bigger ones he'd later take on.

1) As of September 13th we will be moving our Saturday night service at 6 pm to Sunday night at 6 pm. In many areas around the nation a Saturday night service works but for our community we believe it's been a barrier not a blessing for people. We are excited to reach people on a Sunday night who may not be able to go to church if it were not for that time slot.
2) We believe the solution to closing the back door and bringing more biblical community is summed up in small groups. We are moving in a new direction for our small groups. Many of our ideas were inspired by Sticky Church written by Larry Osborne . Things we are changing in our small group environments.
- They will be 100% relational: We are encouraging our people to do a small group with people they are already doing life with, people they love, and would look forward to hanging out with.
- They will be message based: This is such a good example of how we (myself very included) as American Christians miss out on God. Instead of stuffing our faces again with more scripture, bible stories, and messages the small groups will be based on the sermon notes we heard the previous weekend. Our goal is hear to raise families to be doers of the Word not just hearers. We believe our community doesn't need another bible study as much as it needs a group of people to wrestle with the current realities God is already trying to teach them. This gets me so excited. Can you imagine 5,10, 50, 100, or 1000 small groups meeting not to learn about Gods Word but to apply it. If any Church does this half way well they can easily be the most inspiring church on the planet.
- They will meet 3 times a year for 10 weeks at a time: When looking at the calendar we see 3 natural season that are good for small group ministry. The fall, the winter, and the spring. Now obviously if the group is doing it right then their time together will carry over after their 10 weeks is up. For example if you end a fall 10 week session at the end of November then I'm sure due to the relational connection that the families would have Christmas parties together or serve the homeless together or shop together, simply live life together.
Well I hate reading long blog post and yet I just created one, so I'll be done. Bottom line on all this is that God is doing some great things in our community and we just want to roll out any barriers that might slow down the momentum of His Spirit moving.
Francis Chan's new book
Ahhhh yeahhhh!!! Francis Chan's new book is out. Check out this video as Francis gives us a glimpse of the book. Can't wait to read it!
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