Dust it off!

Life after LegoLand Series

My thoughts summed up in a song.
This past month has been such a great month it has left me literally speechless when trying to talk about it. This video is basically the sum of everything I'd like to say. The David Crowder Band is one of my favorite worship bands and as always he leads you to the feet of Jesus. If you are unfamiliar with the David Crowder Band check them out and buy all their cd's.
- We used about 1,000,000 legos.
- We had an 8,000 sheet paper fight.
- We smashed over 20 pies in peoples faces.
- We watched 8 leaders eat peanut butter off of plexi glass.
- We had inflatable water slide that was bigger than our 28 foot building.
- We served over 660 kids.
- We saw close to 230 volunteers serve throughout the week. Thank you so much volunteers for all your hard work and servanthood, you all ROCK!
- We witnessed 70 first time decisions.
- We think over 600 learned the verse of the week which is John 15:13 "The greatest love a person can show is to lay down his life for his friends."
- We passed out thousands of "Keep On Brickin" encouragement stickers. When a child did something good/positive a leader would give them a "Keep On Brickin" sticker and send a note home to the parents telling them what their child had done.
- We met 100's of new kids.
- We saw over 30 new families come to our church during last Saturday night's service alone.
Now in ministry a lot of people get weird when talking about numbers (big or small) and I sort of get that but as long as each number has a face and soul I will always be about numbers because Jesus is about numbers. That's why in Luke 15 He went after the 1 lost sheep. Here are a couple true stories about some #'s. We'll call this one #248: his mom just left him 2 weeks ago for good and a friend invited him to LegoLand and one thing led to another and this 5th grader gave his life to Jesus. Story # 412 During the school year kid A makes fun of kid B for reading the bible and believing in God. Long story short kid A came to LegoLand and gave his life to Jesus and now of course believes in God. There are so many stories of God just showing up and doing miracles in the lives of these kids. I am in AWE of all God has done, is doing, and will continue to do in this community. If you have a story from last week please share by commenting on this post or emailing me @ dustin@fellowshiporlando.com We'd really like to hear what God did for your child, you as a parent, or you as a volunteer. Thank you Lord for a week we can only describe as "God showed up".
Life after LegoLand
This is me "surprising" Pastor Chad by coming out of the big barrel throwing paper balls at him.
The Chick Fil A Cow joined us today during the morning session. He greeted kids at the door then danced with us. They hooked every kid up with a free kids meal, gotta love that.
We've had a lot of people ask about the songs we've picked out for LEGOLAND. Here is who they are:
Brother, Sister, Friend: This is an unrecorded song; meaning you can't buy it.
Happy Day: Steve Fee
Follow You: Hillsong Kids
Take it All: Hillsong Kids
There is no one like You: David Crowder Band
Again I'll go into more detail tomorrow but today we saw 70 kids give their lives to Christ for the first time. Wow, that is awesome. Praise God!!!
More to come tomorrow, goodnight/good morning.
LEGOLAND Live Online Tonight
1) Opening Rally: From 6:00-6:45. This is crazy squad war games, funny videos, worship songs, and lots of high energy stuff centered around a brief message.
2) Stations: From 6:45 - 8:15 kids rotate from 4 different stations. They go from REC to Snack time to the Imagination Station (building Lego's) to a small group lesson time.
3) Closing Rally: 8:15-9:00. This very similar to the opening rally but with a slight more focus to rally the kids around a longer and heavier message.
You can watch both rallies but not the stations. The feed is live and is not recorded.
The link to watch live is http://live.fellowshiporlando.com/
Thanks and be praying as we present the gospel. This morning we had 51 kids give their lives to Christ. That's awesome!


Here is the 30 foot water slide. It was huge. The kids loved it. However it did storm in the evening and we were unable to use it during the evening session. We will NOT be able to have a make up water day, sorry.
The game today was involved hot dogs. We chose some students to come on stage. Each team had two players. One player wore a necklace with a cup on it. While the other teammate took hot dogs and tossed them at their partner who tried to catch the hot dogs with their cups.
Teams Orange Crush and Green Machine during the worship time.
A view of the praise team leading worship.
Here are some kids racing their Lego's race cars.
Here is a picture of our REC leader and some kids.
LEGOLAND: Day 1 PM Session

This is a picture of the two youngest people in the praise band. The one on the left is my daughter Callie Joy. They are doing great.

Here is Pastor Chad leading the crew.

Here are some kids and leaders hanging out racing their built Lego cars.
LEGOLAND: Day 1 AM Session
This is Amy. She is the Squad Leader for the Orange Crush. She is competing in the Squad War Games by trying to eat peanut butter off plexi glass. Pretty funny!
This is a picture of us during a worship session.
LEGOLAND Worship Night
Today was a crazy but productive day for LEGOLAND. The cement roller showed up as did BOB's Barricades. We used both of them for set up design, which looks great. TJ picked up the costumes for the Free Amigos! James Hurst, Tammy, and Riley built 2 out of the 4 ramps. Nic finished the roll in for the week which is shown above. Lots of work done, still a lot left. Wondering how I am going to get all done in 48 hours, with 3 services to pull off in those 48 hours. Sounds like God is going to have to show up. He is weak where I am strong, praise Him for that. Today at two o clock my laptop battery died, then at 5 o clock my cell phone died. I see a pattern and I'm taking notice.

Today was another big day. Chad and his team finished the stage props, which look great. The top pic is me next to one of the 6 lego guys. We also had several volunteer teams come in and knock out name tags, photo frames, and some more lego sorting. Tonight the praise team had another rehearsal and it's great seeing 20 or so kids and students worshipping. Michelle and Rona also finished the Parent Guides and they too look great. We also brought in my buddy Danny Bero from Deltona to do some window painting on the front windows. As he was painting a family began to watch curiously. So I spoke with them and invited them to join us next week. The too were excited and signed up, Praise God! Things are moving along great and I am getting more excited everyday.
Moving Forward
LegoLand Fever

Wow we are less than one week away from Adventure Week 2009. I soooo have LegoLand Fever, I'm pumped. If you don't care about LegoLand and are reading this I probably wouldn't come back to this site for 2 weeks because it is just going to be LegoLand all day every day for the next 2 weeks. For all the LegoLand peeps from here on out I will be posting something about LegoLand everyday this week and next week. Today's LegoLand message is what are we going to do with 217 volunteers. That's right as of right now we have 217 volunteers, that is crazy. Way to go team. I'm so encouraged by the excitement and energy everyone has to serve. Today a team of 5 (PJ, Brent, David, Jack, and Chad) primed the Lego props, they look sweet (unpainted one in picture above). Thanks volunteers for doing what you do. I love building His Kingdom with each of you.
- Been super busy gearing up for LegoLand which our version of VBS www.foadventureweek.com 8 more days.
- When not working on LegoLand been hanging out with the fam due to me being gone so much in the month of June.
- Riley just lost his first tooth.
- TJ & I just started reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan together. I've read it but she hasn't and I'm looking forward to going over it together.
- Had a great 2 days with the family yesterday and today. Kind of felt like vacation. Working for a church and not having real weekends we weren't used to a full 48 hours off. We cancelled are Saturday Night service due to the 4th of July.
- Got to hang out with my close friend Justin Forbes aka Spanky and his family, it was great.
- Pray for TJ & I as we lead are family day in and day out. Pray that God continues to unify TJ and I, our family, and give us a passion for Him and His Word like never before.