In the pursuit to reach as many people as possible for the Kingdom of Heaven it sadly can quickly turn into a silent competition. Of course no one says this and very few pastors admit such a thing, however I happen to believe it exist. I also believe it is one of the key components that is holding "The Church" from going to the "next" level. Obviously scripture is clear on the fact that we are to give 100% at anything we do especially when talking about helping people finding God. So I don't have an issue with a mentality that is driven, focused, with an attitude of pursing excellence (I think this is the exact attitude we are to have). What I've discovered is I don't like the idea or phrase when we try to be the best or have the best this or that. For example I don't want our church to pursue having the best children's ministry in the nation or world. The moment we make such a statement we immediately take our focus off what we are called to do, in this case leading kids to Jesus, and begin looking around at other churches and their ministry teams to determine if in fact we are the best. After concluding where we stand we then go back to the drawing board full of a "false inspiration" to try harder to reach more people. I believe that this kind of thinking not only distracts us from what God is trying to do within our own ministry but I also believe it steers us to go in a direction that God never meant for us to go down. Let me be clear I am not saying we can't or shouldn't check out other ministries, pastors, or churches. I think all that is extremely beneficial if done with the right motives, I do it all the time. I just wish our motivation for building great churches was more based on the fact that lost people are dying and going to hell and less of us comparing with one another who has the best this or that. I actually would love it if we were trying our hardest and we weren't the "best". That would mean there are so many other churches reaching more people than we are. I'd love to reach hundreds of kids and know that it's no big deal because so many other churches are doing the same thing. You see my passion and desire isn't to be the best Children's Pastor. My passion and desire is to see people fall in love with Jesus. I don't care if they are black, white, brown, old, young, Swedish, African. I don't care, I just want to see people be drawn to Jesus. If that means God places me to be the best at something, great. If I am not the best (out of 6 billion people) but the gospel keeps moving forward I think I can gladly live with that. Bottom line are you trying to be your best for what God is calling you to do or are you to preoccupied with simply being the best? PS: These are thoughts I've been chewing on for years and are not at all a reflection of my current church or my current situation. Just thoughts from along the way.
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