“It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.” Isaiah 55:11
During ZOOPLOSION over the summer we saw over 100 decsions to follow Christ for the first time, which was awesome. But that was then and we wanted to do something NOW that would help them in their new found relationship with Jesus Christ. So with the help of a gracious family within FOkids we were able to purchase 125 Bibles. Not small generic Bibles but good study bibles for kids. Today we met to distribute them to almost 100 households. It was so cool seeing the body of Christ come together and follow up those decisions. It was neat seeing whole families pack out an SUV and deliver bibles together. That’s the kind of family I want to look like, well done Simmons Fam. What a great morning. Thank you to everyone who helped get the greatest love letter ever written to kids that have a whole lifetime to soak in that Word. May it be so. I look forward to seeing the fruit in the coming years.