Tuesday my lil princess turned 4. The first thing she did when she woke up was she looked down at her hands and look at me with a very puzzled look and then she said, "I don't think I'm 4 today, it may be tomorrow, because look, I'm not any bigger." Very cute, little does she know she is almost full grown for an Aagaard. For her birthday we got her roller skates and heading over to the Roller Rink. I hadn't been roller skating since middle school and I don't think they touched the place since then either. It looked just like it did when I left it. It was pretty funny hitting the roller rink again. I was a bad skater and within one minute of being on the rink I ran over Riley's finger, opps. TJ did great of course and was able to help teach the kids how not to hurt by daddy. Callie Joy loved it and it was another family outing we wont soon forget. I'm amazed she's 4. Callie Joy- i love you! You are the craziest and prettiest 4 year old alive.
Callie Joy is 4
Tuesday my lil princess turned 4. The first thing she did when she woke up was she looked down at her hands and look at me with a very puzzled look and then she said, "I don't think I'm 4 today, it may be tomorrow, because look, I'm not any bigger." Very cute, little does she know she is almost full grown for an Aagaard. For her birthday we got her roller skates and heading over to the Roller Rink. I hadn't been roller skating since middle school and I don't think they touched the place since then either. It looked just like it did when I left it. It was pretty funny hitting the roller rink again. I was a bad skater and within one minute of being on the rink I ran over Riley's finger, opps. TJ did great of course and was able to help teach the kids how not to hurt by daddy. Callie Joy loved it and it was another family outing we wont soon forget. I'm amazed she's 4. Callie Joy- i love you! You are the craziest and prettiest 4 year old alive.
Weekend Recap, How to be Rich!

This past weekend we continued are series "How to be Rich!". We taught kids what it means to tithe. We explained that 1) everything comes from God. 2) If God were to give you $10 would you give $1 back to Him. Of course, that's easy. 3) We'll that's what it means to tithe. We learned that, according to Malachi 3, when we don't tithe we cheat God and when we do God blesses us more than we are able to handle.
Scripture: Malachi 3:8-11
“Should people cheat God? Yet you have cheated me! But you ask, ‘What do you mean? When did we ever cheat you?’ You have cheated me of the tithes and offerings due to me. You are under a curse, for your whole nation has been cheating me. 10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test! 11 Your crops will be abundant, for I will guard them from insects and disease. Your grapes will not fall from the vine before they are ripe,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies."
Homework: Instead of a weekly Homework challenge we are having a series long homework challenge. Here it is... go shopping with your child and buy 3 jars. On the 1st jar write Tithe, on the 2nd jar write Save, & the 3rd jar write Spend. Now get $10 in one dollar bills. Give them the money only if they agree to put the 1st $1 in the Tithe jar and the 2nd $1 in the Save jar and then the $8 in the Spend jar. Of course they’ll agree and learn a valuable lesson in being biblical and wise with their money.
Next week: We will discussing the importance of saving.
Weekend Recap, How to be Rich!
Posted by
Dustin Aagaard
Monday, May 18, 2009
How to be Rich,
Weekend recap

This past weekend we launched a new FOkids series called "How to be Rich!". Week 1 was all about drilling into the kids that we are rich, filthy rich. Not rich in love or in Jesus but rich as in cash, stuff, and the fact that we have it soooo easy in the 21st century American culture. The goal with teaching the kids that they are rich had 3 point. When we realize we are already rich these 3 things can happen: 1) We can become thankful 2) We can become content 3) We can become generous. We also introduced the kids to what it means to tithe, save, and spend His money His way. This series could change the course of a child's life forever.
Scripture: Philippians 4:11-13 "Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength."
Homework: To get 3 jars for your child. Make one for tithing, one for saving, and one for spending. Place them on their dresser and every time they get money divide with the first 10% going to tithe, the second 10% going to saving, and the 80% going to spend. Can you imagine if we raise are kids to live off 80% of their income. What a blessing that would be.
Next week: We will discussing what tithing is all about.
New FOkid series: How to be Rich!

How to be RICH! Is a financial series for kids. Engrossed in the most consuming culture in the history of our world we believe it’s time to raise kids with a new definition of rich. As Americans every one of us are rich. We live in the richest nation during the richest time of the world but constantly all we hear is how poor we are. Money is talked about more in the Bible than anything else. As long as our kids have “stuff” we need to be talking about 1) Always being thankful 2) Giving your best 3) Saving for the future 4) Spending for His glory not ours. If you could teach kids anything about money what would you teach them? Would love your feedback.
Adventure Weekk 2009

We are always building things in life and in our relationships with others. Some of us are building walls that tear relationships apart while others are building bridges that help bring relationships together. That's why we decided to make this year's Adventure Week theme LegoLand, building godly friendships. We have officially opened up registration. Be sure to grab a friend and register now as we are expecting both session to reach maximum capacity. You can register by going to the LegoLand site @ http://www.foadventureweek.com/ We can't wait to see what God has in store for your family this summer. Keep on brickin, Pastor Dustin.
Weekend Recap, Yo Momma Rox!
Posted by
Dustin Aagaard
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mother's Day,
Weekend recap

This weekend we ended the Rockstar series. What an awesome series as we learned it's all about Him and that we are to do all we can to make Him famous. This past weekend we ended strong. In the Theater we didn't celebrate Mother's Day we celebrated "Yo Momma Rox" Day.
Scripture: Ephesians 6:1-3
Homework: The kids homework was to take their rock and give it to their mother and let them know that "they rock". Parents the best way we can teach our kids to obey and honor our parents is by letting them see and hear how we obey and honor our parents as adults. Kids learn by what is caught not taught.
Next Week: We start "How to be Rich" series. Week 1 "U R"
Mother's Day Parent/Child Dedication
Posted by
Dustin Aagaard
Mother's Day,
Parent/Child Dedication
We had a great weekend this past weekend as we had Parent/Child dedication. We dedicated our newborn Darby Grace Aagaard making it a great Mother's Day weekend. Awesome! TJ, Happy Mother's Day, you rock!
Wheelchair Jesus?

The other day I was on my way to drop off my son at school and we saw this picture, Spider Man in a wheelchair, WOW! Of course Riley sees it and begins to ask questions on why Spider Man is in a wheel chair. How do I explain marketing to a 5 year old? How do I explain it's not the real Spider Man? After a long discussion with him I dropped him off and then it hit me. This is what we do with Jesus. We take our God and our superhero (Jesus), we strip Him of His super powers, place Him in a wheel chair and then we market Him telling everyone how awesome and powerful He is. And the problem is the next generation aint buying it. They are tired of hearing about Jesus but seeing Him in the wheelchair. They are tired of reading of God's power but experiencing none of it. We must as Christians live lives that take Christ out of the wheelchair and place Him on another chair, His Throne. Jesus doesn't need us marketing Him He needs us displaying Him. We need to live lives that display His love, His grace, His peace, His joy, His Holiness. We need to show others that Christ still does have the supernatural ability to change lives, circumstances, etc. In CM (Children's Ministry) I am asking myself what does this mean for FOkids? How can we help kids be in AWE of Jesus? What do you think?
National Day of Prayer
Today is the national day of prayer. The beauty of Christianity is that not only are we permitted to talk to God (big, incredible, unbelievable God) but God is on the edge of His seat waiting for us to simply talk to Him. Here is a few thoughts for the day:
- Parents: If you are not praying for your kids chances are no one else is.
- CM Pastors: If you are not praying for you students chances are no one else is.
As a parent and as a CM Pastor I just can't deal with that. My kids and our students must be covered in prayer, it is a non-negotiable. Today I encourage you to slow down, get away for 5, 25, 250 minutes and just be with God. Develop that habit daily and you just may make a new best friend (his name is Jesus).
May 4th 2002

May 4th 2002 I got married to my longtime girlfriend TJ. We've known each other since middle school and I am amazed that she married me (SUCKER). Yesterday we celebrated our 7 year anniversary by just hanging out at the house and thinking back how far God has brought us, I am in awe. TJ is sold out for Jesus. She is an awesome friend, great mother, and fabulous wife. TJ I love you and love chasing Jesus with you. Thanx for all you do and put up with. You blow my mind. Much love, your man 4 life. DA
Weekend Recap, ROCKSTAR fans are nuts.

This we talked about how ROCKSTAR fans are nuts. When talking of people in the Bible that were nuts for God Paul quickly comes to mind. Paul did whatever it took to make Him famous. We had a great weekend all around but a huge highlight was watching 4 kids get baptized this past weekend. AWESOME!!!
Bible Story: II Corinthians 6:4-10, we dissected this passage where Paul talks how they went to prison, went hungry, were beat up, called liars, lost everything, etc all for the sake of making Him famous. It is a challenge not just for adults but for kids too. To take our their faith seriously and passionately.
Homework: We talked about how nuts the Apostle Paul was about Jesus. His fanatical approach to following Jesus is a prime example on how we are to live. Discuss some of the obstacles we face in living a fanatical life for Jesus.
Next Week: Yo momma ROX!!!
TJ update
Tj is doing awesome. Wednesday she had a doctors appointment and the doctors cleared her, meaning she is cleared to do whatever she wants. She is 100% in terms of what she can do but not how long she can do it. For example she may be able to cook in the kitchen but not that long due to how weak her legs are. The nerves seemed to be all healed now she is on to strengthening both legs. THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS, ENCOURAGEMENT, AND SUPPORT!!! We have been blessed. Thank you.
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