Unstoppable Momentum

Something I've been learning recently from our lead Pastor (Rodney Gage) is how to create and utilize the unstoppable power of momentum. For example last week we played a game the kids absolutely loved. The resources we used to pull that off were an investment to help create encore experiences for our kids. IE: momentum for them to enjoy church thus wanting to come back as opposed to be being dragged back. Or another way to gain momentum on a more simplistic level would be to focus on 3-5 kids and genuinely focus on caring for them, their needs, their worries, their pain, their life. If you did one genuine thing for each kid every week you'd have enough momentum to role out the gospel and see huge results. The goal of this idea is to create as many wins as possible. The more wins you have within your ministry the more momentum. Thus to put this into practice you must first figure out what is a win within our ministry. The opposite is also true. The more loses you have the less momentum. Thus what obstacles are in your way from reaching maximum momentum? If you have any create ways of building momentum, holla back.