Today the Aagaard's moved to Orlando. We've been commuting for the past three months and it feels good to move into town. We moved into a temporary apartment until we figure out what to do with our house, which is for rent and for sale. We decided yesterday to move today and within 18 hours notice we had over 10 people two trucks and two trailers. We completed the move in about 4 hours, record time. 10 teen students from my old student ministry showed up at 7:30 am to help me move. That is what I miss the most about Pine Ridge Fellowship and Fusion Student Ministry, their heart to serve is amazing. Thank you everyone for serving us the way you did today. FUSION ROCKS! Thanks Tom, I look forward to see what God continues to do within FUSION.
Hey Dustin,
Glad I got to help out. It was good seeing you and the family. I missed you guys. Hope your geting comfy in your new home. If you guys ever need more help or anything just call me up. Hope to see you guys soon. Praying for you guys.
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