A new season is here.

January 1 2006-February 28 2008 will conclude a great season for the Aagaard family. This is the season we will have lived and worked in Deltona through Pine Ridge Fellowship. This season has been very good to us. We have been blessed by a great church community, great staff team, and amazing student ministry filled with awesome leaders and students. This week we have annouced that we have recognized God wanting to open up a new season for the Aagaard family. Although our time here has been great we had 3 primary problems. 1) We worked too much. I'm not against work but TJ and I both have been working 2 jobs each and still struggling financially. 2) Due to being overworked we naturally have undercared for our family. Like most people we love our family more than anything and just felt like they were getting the shaft by daddy being gone all the time or tired when I was home. 3) The longer we stay here the more debt we accumulate. Obviously I don't need to go into the ramifications of that. Although we struggled we felt like God wanted us there for that season and then my buddy Chad and I began dreaming of doing ministry together. That dream quickly went from dreamland to reality as just last week we were offered to join Fellowship Orlando staff to work with kids. We will begin March 9th and are excited to see what God has in store for the southeast community of Orlando. You can check them out at http://fellowshiporlando.com/ . If this blog lacks heart it is becuase I feel emotionally drianed from dealing with telling the church all week. Although we are excited and know its a God thing it still is hard telling close friends that we are moving away. I'll blog more about all this when i have more energy. Grace & Peace, Dustin