God's faithfulness in 2008, 1.9.08 youth recap

SERIES: No Series. TALK: The theme was if we do what God tells us to do then the best is yet to come. The how was 3 fold. 1. Hear Him, 2. Trust Him, 3. Follow Him. STUDENT RESPONSE: ABOVE AVERAGE, with the new year upon us God led me into a gospel presentation and alter call where we handed out 20 bibles, had 12 first time professions of faith, and 4 baptisms. After taking 2 weeks off due to Christmas I was reminded quickly why i love my job. LEADERSHIP: ABOVE AVERAGE, The leadership seems to be on auto pilot, they are just consistently great. The neat thing about last night was we have a potentially new leader whose ministry would be all about prayer and praying for us. Well she started last night and I don't imagine all the good things happening without that ministry. MUSICAL WORSHIP: ABOVE AVERAGE, Marissa, one of the student female signers, shared a bit on what God is bringing her through. It's always great hearing students proclaim God's goodness. Then we had an audible with the band and I brought them back up without warning to do another song that I felt God was leading us to. It went great but probably freaked out the praise team. They did a good job as always. ATTENDANCE: AVERAGE. It was a great night just to see all that God is doing in Deltona and to know He wants to do even greater things. Last night we were blessed.


I got a blog!
woot woot! :)
Wednesday was awesome!
I've been praying a lot for our youth group,
I know God has plans for all of us! This year is going to be amazing!

I loved last wednesday too:) Can't wait for tonight:)