Tonight we went to a birthday party for a friend of Riley and Callie Joy. We went to a place called Sliderz. It was another bounce house party place for kids, the same type of place we went to last week for Callie Joy's birthday. Tonight as all the kids were running around having so much fun, eating their heads off with pizza and coke my mind was racing ahead to next week. Next week I am heading to the Bahamas for a mission trip. It just got me thinking how ridiculously blessed we truly are. Two phenomenal parties in two weekends. Both full of lots of fun, tons of presents, great pizza, and plenty of soda. And they were "typical" get togethers. My point is with 4 billion people living off less than $2 I can't help but feel like we are living like King's and Queens. We've got it made. We are so blessed and so rich. My first thought is, "wow, great for us." but then God reminds me that we are blessed to be a blessing. I guess you can say that today I realized once again how awesome of a lifestyle we have in America. But with that blessing does come the responsibility to use our leverage to help those not as fortunate. To be honest I'm not to sure what I am going to put to action with this thought but I do know God will open my eyes to someone I can serve someone. Remember you are rich and you are blessed, yes you, now enjoy it and lets take care of each other. PS: the video is just a funny shot of us goofing around inside one of the bounce houses and yes that is me at the end.
28 years and 246 days...

Callie Joy's Birthday

This weekend was Callie Joy weekend as we celebrated her 3rd birthday. Saturday we went to a place called Kangaroom, which is big warehouse full of jumphouses. Pic #1 is us at Kangaroom. Monday we had her birthday party with our family. TJ and I got her a "princess scooter" that she is riding in pic #2. Pic #3 is her in the middle of eating her cake. Great weekend, my little girl is now 3.
My little girl is turning 3!
My peacious but crazy (taken after her daddy) daughter is turning 3 on Monday, May 26th. She is such an amazing daughter and is total girl. She makes me laugh everyday. As you can see here she enjoys life. We are having a weekend full of activites for her including a specail daddy daughter time tomorrow. I'll recap after monday with some pics. c/ya.
Senior High Lake Party

After a great morning of worship this morning we headed out to a friends house to enjoy a senior high lake party. We had a good time just relaxing with some good food and good times. The time was center around the tube runs. The runs consisted of three tubes holding 10 people who are tube hopping. Between the tube hopping and the boating circling to hit its own wake (aka a double up) it gave me a bit of a work out. Good stuff.
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